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Kanika Sharma - Report Published

Kanika Sharma’s research interests are in gender, social inequality, and health. She has an M.A. in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences and an M.Phil in Social Sciences in Health from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her M.Phil dissertation focused on the theme of gender and pain from an interdisciplinary public health perspective. As a Public Policy Scholar, she will be studying women’s lived experiences of physical pain, the social and health system support available to them, and the possible health policy responses to this largely neglected area.

Kanika Sharma’s research interests are in gender, social inequality, and health. She has an M.A. in Social Work from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences and an M.Phil in Social Sciences in Health from Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her M.Phil dissertation focused on the theme of gender and pain from an interdisciplinary public health perspective.

Kanika has been involved with social movements and rights campaigns in India. She is interested in combining research and action in areas of health and wellbeing, and issues of social and gender justice. Her writings on activism and research have been featured in popular media, including The Hindu , , and Youth Ki Awaaz.


At the Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, she will be studying women’s lived experiences of physical pain, the social and health system support available to them, and the possible health policy responses to this largely neglected area. She hopes that this scholarship and association with The Hindu Centre will help place women’s health more centrally in public and policy discussions.

Read Policy Report No. 23 here:Living with Pain: Women’s Everyday Lives and Health in Rural Bihar.

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