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National Data Governance Framework Policy (Draft) - May 2022 [PDF 508.21 KB]

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has come out with the National Data Governance Framework Policy (Draft) - May 2022 through which it aims to standardise data management and security standards across the government departments.

The foremost aim of the National Data Governance Framework Policy, according to the Government of India, is to help deliver better and more responsive governance to the citizens, especially in areas of social importance that include agriculture, healthcare, law and justice, and education among others. This depends on being able to adopt a data-driven approach towards governance, program evaluation and service delivery. The policy would play a role in promoting transparency, accountability and ownership in non-personal data and datasets access. 

The Report can be accessed here:

National Data Governance Framework Policy (Draft) - May 2022 [PDF 508.21 KB] 

Source: Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India [] 

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