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CSO: Achieving Millennium Development Goals Target Year Factsheet - India

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India’s MDG framework is as per the UNDG’s 2003 framework for monitoring of the 8 MDGs. Out of the 18 targets, 12 targets (Target 1 to 11 and Target 18) are relevant to India. Corresponding to the 12 targets, there are 35 identified indicators. The ‘Millennium Development Goals’ had the target year as 2015’ and the ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ have come up in 2015 to accelerate the progress achieved under the MDGs and also to address other important development issues.
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation had published the last Millennium Development Goals India Country Report in February 2015 which presented the progress under MDGs and the likely achievement by 2015.
This brochure ‘Achieving Millennium Development Goals – Target year Factsheet - India’ analyses the achievement at national level onthe basis of updated data sets vis –a –vis the targets of MDGs. A brief of the progress of MDG indicators and a glimpse of the Programme initiatives related to MDGs are discussed in thisbrochure.
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