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CBSE's Revised Curriculum for the Academic Year 2020-21 (Full text of Circular and Link to External URL)

Shiksha Sadan which houses the Central Board of Secondary Education at Rouse Avenue in New Delhi. File Photo: The Hindu



CBSE-Acad/Circular/2020                                                                                       Date: 07 July, 2020                                                                                                                         Circular No: Acad 47/2020 All Heads of Institutions affiliated to CBSE

Circular by the Central Board of Secondary Education on the Revised Academic Curriculum for the session 2020-21

The prevailing health emergency in the country and at different parts of the world as well as the efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in loss of class room teaching due to closure of schools. Therefore the Board has decided to revise the syllabi for classes IX-XII for the academic session 2020-21. The changes made in the syllabi have been finalised by the respective Course Committees with the approval of the Curriculum Committee and Governing Body of the Board.

The revision of syllabi is a measure taken due to the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country and at different parts of the world. Considering the importance of achieving the level of learning, the syllabus has been rationalised to the extent possible by retaining the core concepts.

The Heads of Schools and Teachers may ensure that the topics that have been reduced are also explained to the students to the extent required to connect different topics. However the reduced syllabus will not be part of the topics for Internal Assessment and year-end Board Examination. Alternative Academic Calendar and inputs from the NCERT on transacting the curriculum using different strategies may also be part of the teaching pedagogy.

For Elementary Classes (I-VIII) schools may follow the Alternative Academic Calendar and Learning Outcomes specified by NCERT.


The revised syllabi are available at the link: http://cbseacademic.nic.in/Revisedcurriculum_2021.html  

(Dr. Joseph Emmanuel) Director (Academics)

Circular by the Central Board of Secondary Education


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