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EnviStats India 2020: Vol. I – Environment Statistics [PDF 12.23 MB]

The full text of the EnviStats India 2020: Vol. I – Environment Statistics [PDF] can be accessed below.

Contents of the publication

18. The statements of the publication ‘EnviStats-India; Vol. I – Environment Statistics’ have been categorised into six chapters, each corresponding to one of the components of FDES 2013. The tables relating to the topics under the component have been put together, for the ease of comprehension and use. This publication is the third in the series. The first issue, released in March 2018, provided information on 84 of the 100 indicators in the Core Set and 44 and 6 of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 indicators respectively. These were subsequently updated in the subsequent issue of EnviStats India released in March 2019.

19. The extant publication has an improved coverage of the indicators prescribed by FDES, with information provided on 217 indicators, of which 88 belong to the Core Set or Tier I, 106 to the Tier II and 23 to the Tier III.

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