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Nuclear programme needs ‘new adrenalin,’ says Jairam Ramesh

Bangalore:10/11/2014: Rajya Sabha MP Jairam Ramesh adressing the Public Lecture on Climate Change and India's Energy Policy in Bangalore on Monday.Photo: Sampath Kumar G P | Photo Credit: Sampath Kumar G P

India’s nuclear programme needs “new adrenalin”, in order for the country to move towards a low carbon growth path, former Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said at a public lecture on ‘Climate change and India’s energy policy’, organised by The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy.

Source: The Hindu, Bengaluru, November 11, 2014


Published in other Media:

DECCAN Chronicle, Bengaluru, November 11, 2014

DECCAN HERALD, Bengaluru, November 11, 2014

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